Debates Conférences
Other Location
from 13:00 to 14:30
This event is for members

Undocumented migrants in Europe: the limits of immigration policies

Les sans-papiers en Europe : les limites des politiques migratoires

Lunch debate introduced by Christophe Bertossi (Centre Migrations et Citoyennetés de l'Ifri), ­Hector Cebolla Boado (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia Madrid), Danièle Joly (University of Warwick) and Johannes Knickenberg (Katholisches Forum Leben in der Illegalität).

Based on the results of a project conducted by the Center for Migrations and Citizenship (Ifri) in five European capitals on the issue of irregular migrants, this conference will reassess the limits of migratory policies in Europe, through a comparison between three very different countries with regards to immigration policies, and regularisation more specifically: the United Kingdom, Germany and Spain. What issues does the presence of irregular migrants at the local level create? Is regularisation the only solution to the issue of irregular migration? How can the inconsistencies of current European policies be overcome?

This debate forms part of the "Ifri's Tuesdays in Brussels".
Participation Fee (Except members): 10€

Ifri Bruxelles, rue Marie-Thérèse, 21, 1000 Bruxelles
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