Cybersecurity and Cyber Defence: From Hacking to Information Warfare
The cyber world has undoubtedly become a part of geopolitics, in the way that it shapes, in its own way, relationships between the actors of the international stage.

The special report in this issue of Politique étrangère reiterates this. But at the same time as shaping these relationships, it subverts them, opening new areas of activity up to multiple actors. In attempting to control this new strategic space, we must investigate the wide variety of cyber practices that have the potential to jeopardize our security, along with the actors that may make use of these practices—states, businesses, criminal groups, individuals, and so on—, the solutions that can be adopted, and potential international regulations. There is one main goal here: safeguarding our individual freedoms and our economic and political sovereignties.
As well as this new cyber field, in this issue Politique étrangère takes a look at some of the current logics behind recompositions of power. Are the countries of central Europe now trying to define a specific, shared place for themselves, in the European Union? In Washington, do the appointments of Mike Pompeo and John Bolton signal a “brutalist” change to Trumpian diplomacy?
And then there is India, too often shunted to the wings of our geopolitical stage. Will its demographic weight, dynamic economy, and diplomatic choices guarantee it significant influence in the near future? Or will its internal problems and disputes with its neighbors permanently prevent its rise to power?
CASE FILE. Cybersecurity and Cyber Defence: From Hacking to Information Warfare
Introduction, by Julien Nocetti
The Geopolitics of Cyberconflict, by Julien Nocetti (read the article in French)
Cyberdefense and Cybersecurity: The Issues for France, by Louis Gautier
International Law and the Proliferation of Cyber Weapons, by Aude Gery
The Protection of Personal Data and Cyber (In)Security, by Marilia Maciel-Hibbard
COUNTER ANALYSIS. How Far Can Modi’s India Go?
Could India Become a Major Power? , by Nicolas Blarel
“Development for All”: The Tarnished Slogan of Modi’s India, by Isabelle Saint-Mézard
America First in Power, par Benjamin Haddad
Central Europe and the Three Seas Initiative, by Dorota Richard
Piracy and Insurrections in the Gulf of Guinea, by Léon Koungou
The European Union’s Struggle Against Terrorism, by Séverine Wernert (read the article in French)
The United States and the Arctic: From Hibernation to Engagement, by Christelle Calmels
New Nuclear Options for the United States?, by Benjamin Hautecouverture
China: The Strategic Importance of Energy, by Michel Gueldry
L’histoire secrète du djihad. D’Al-Qaïda à l’État islamique, by Lemine Ould M. Salem
L’État islamique de Mossoul. Histoire d’une entreprise totalitaire, by Hélène Sallon
« Le combat vous a été prescrit ». Une histoire du jihad en France, by Romain Caillet and Pierre Puchot
by Laurence Bindner
This content is available in French: "Éditorial de Politique étrangère, vol. 83, n° 2, été 2018"
This content is available in French: "Introduction de Politique étrangère, vol. 83, n° 2, été 2018"
This content is available in French: "Les lectures de Politique étrangère, vol. 83, n° 2, été 2018"
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