Research at Ifri
Ifri is the leading French think tank on international issues. One of its main missions is to produce research helping to understand and anticipate the dynamics of the contemporary world.
Ifri's work is carried out for the general interest and objectivity. Ifri is intended to fuel the reflection of public and private decision-makers, academic circles and representatives of the civil society.
Most Ifri publications can be downloaded from the “Analyses” section of this website. Some of them are available in several languages, thus promoting broad international influence.

Ifri in numbers
Research Fellows
Associated Researchers
+4 500
Conferences and seminars organized since 1979
+1 500
Publications since the creation of the first Ifri website
+8 000
Annual press quotes
Key Dates
Year of publication of the first issue of the Politique Étrangère magazine
Year of publication of the first Ramses
The organization of research

Ifri has a permanent base of around thirty research fellows, spread across around ten research units specializing in key regions and themes.
The approach promoted is multidisciplinary, transversal and operational.
It also has a prospective dimension. Researchers adopt a direct and intelligible approach to international issues. They carry out numerous field missions, whilst making sure to diversify their networks, develop their conclusions based on the major debates of the moment and disseminate their work through all Ifri publications, but also in works published by renowned houses, reference magazines and multiple media platforms in France and abroad.
Research Funding

Ifri is a public utility foundation.
The variety and number of funding sources ensure the independence of Ifri. By the mid-2020s, around a quarter of Ifri's budget derived from public funds, while the remaining three-quarters derived from the private sector, mainly in the form of corporate sponsorship. Individuals can support research efforts by making a donation to Ifri or by becoming a member of the Society of Friends of Ifri.
Ifri's Activities
Ifri publishes Politique étrangère, a leading journal on international issues, and Ramses, a collective work published annually. In addition, more than 150 new digital publications are available each year, in open access, on the Ifri website. The main working languages are French and English, but some publications are also available in German and Russian. Ifri enriches the international debate with a constant concern for objectivity, intellectual rigor and transversality.

Each year, Ifri organizes more than 100 events.
Ifri's debates promote the sharing of analyses between specialists from the worlds of research, public administration, business, the media and civil society.

Interventions extérieures
Ifri's research fellows are recognized in France and internationally for their expertise. They regularly give talks in academic circles, in front of administrations or political leaders, or in companies. For example, each year, Ifri participates in several dozen parliamentary hearings and thus contributes to enlightening public decision-makers.

Media Interventions
In a world where "fake news" is proliferating, the ability of Ifri's research fellows to offer rigorous and objective analyses is particularly appreciated by journalists. Thus, Ifri's experts frequently intervene in the French and international media, both in the press, on television, on the radio and on the web.

With "Le monde selon l'Ifri", a bi-monthly podcast presented by Marc Hecker and Katie Hamilton, Ifri offers different deciphering of the world as it is, through its researchers and external speakers.