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Kiev / Minsk / Astana
Kiev / Minsk / Astana

The Eurasia research axis whithin Ifri's Russia / Eurasia Center analyses the evolutions of New Independent States (Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaïdjan, Kazakhstan, Ouzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tadjikistan and Kirghizistan) and of their relations with the Russian Federation.


Director of Ifri's Russia / Eurasia Center

Dimitri MINIC

Research Fellow, Russia / Eurasia Center 


Project Officer, Russia / Eurasia Center

Pavel BAEV

Associate Research Fellow, Russia / Eurasia Center


From the reestablishment of an Islamic Emirate in Afghanistan by the Taliban to the war in Ukraine, not forgetting climate change, the most serious international crises, whether circumstantial or systemic, are having a severe impact on connectivity in Central Asia with regard to transport,...

Thursday 04 April 2024
from 13:30 to 18:45 - Conférences

Two years after the start of Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine, the France-Ukraine 2024 Forum will welcome politicians, experts, academics and members of associations from both countries.

Friday 10 March 2023
from 13:30 to 18:30 - Seminars and Round-table Conferences

One year after the beginning of the war unleashed by Russia against Ukraine, the second France-Ukraine Forum will host political officials, experts, academics, and association members from both countries to discuss three main issues: military aspects and scenarios for ending the war;...

Thursday 25 November 2021
from 15:00 to 16:00 - Videoconferences

Since 2014, Ukraine's territorial integrity and security have been challenged by Russia's annexation of Crimea and by the conflict in Donbas. Military maneuvers in spring and October 2021 have raised the threat of open armed conflict between Ukraine and Russia. Kyiv, on the other hand,...

Thursday 12 March 2015
from 09:00 to 13:00 - Seminars and Round-table Conferences

In May 2015 will be held in Riga the forth summit of the Eastern Partnership, an initiative of the European Union launched in 2009 for six post-Soviet States (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine). The current situation is clearly marked by the Ukrainian crisis and an...

By: Michaël LEVYSTONE, interviewed by Aida Haidar in The Astana Times

Addressing the situation in Afghanistan remains on top of the agenda for Central Asia, said Michael Levystone, an associate research fellow at the Institut Français des Relations Internationale (IFRI) Russia/Eurasia Center, in an exclusive interview with The Astana Times. The expert, who...