Politique étrangère Articles from Politique Etrangère

Africa, A Mirror for France's Troubles? Politique étrangère, Vol. 89, No. 1, Spring 2024

France's setbacks in the Sahel should not lead it to forget the long-standing historical ties that bind it to many African countries. 

These ties must be redefined in the face of the current challenges, which are renewing the idea of a common destiny, while at the same time calling for adaptations in terms of military deployments, management of the Franc Zone, and development assistance. France must redefine its African strategy in discussion with its European partners.

Hervé Gaymard is a member of the Académie des sciences morales et politiques at the Institut de France.

Article published in Politique étrangère, Vol. 89, No. 1, Spring 2024.


L'Afrique, miroir de nos peines ?
African policy Development cooperation Military intervention Africa