

Senior Advisor for North Africa and the Middle East

Research Interests:

  • North Africa
  • The Middle East


Denis Bauchard has a long diplomatic career, which led him in particular to take an interest in the Arab world. He chaired the Arab World Institute in Paris (2002-2004). He was Ambassador of France to Canada (1998-2001) and to Jordan (1989-1993). He also served as Financial Counselor at the French Mission to the United Nations (1978-1981). 

Denis Bauchard published and edited several books, notably Le nouveau monde arabe : enjeux et instabilités (with Abdellah Hammoudi and Rémy Leveau, André Versaille, 2012)  and La démocratie est-elle soluble dans l’Islam ? (CNRS Science Po, 2007). He regularly writes in Le MondePolitique EtrangèreQuestions internationales, and RAMSES. Denis Bauchard is a graduate of the Paris Institute of Political Studies and the École nationale d’administration (National School of Administration).

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Buy the article on CAIRN websiteAbstractObviously, the ambitious Greater Middle East project has failed. In Iraq, confrontation between communities provides a safe haven for terrorists. The Palestinian issue is not solved. In Lebanon, Hezbollah was not “eradicated”. Iran is...


Les attentats du 11 septembre 2001 ont brutalement posé la question des libertés politiques dans le monde arabe. Ces pays musulmans ne seraient-ils que des 'démocraties sans démocrates' ? La frustration de populations réprimées serait-elle une cause de la 'violence islamiste' ?

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