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Former Research Fellow

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Carole Mathieu is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Energy of the French Institute for International Relations (Ifri). Her research areas primarily cover climate change policies and the transformation of energy systems, European energy policy and security of gas supply. Prior to joining the Ifri Centre for Energy, she was an analyst at the French Energy Regulatory Commission (2010-2014). She has been actively involved in defining and defending the positions of the French regulator in the discussions with European Institutions, network and infrastructure operators and market players. Her work focused on the harmonisation of European gas network and market rules and on questions relating to energy security of supply of the European Union. She has regularly conducted training sessions at the French Gas Association (AFG) on the EU energy policy and on energy markets regulation. Holding a Master’s degree in Public Administration – Energy from Sciences Po Paris, Carole Mathieu has also studied at Boston College (Massachusetts, U.S.).

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Ifri, a foundation recognized as being of public utility, relies largely on private donors – companies and individuals – to guarantee its sustainability and intellectual independence. Through their funding, donors help maintain the Institute's position among the world's leading think tanks. By benefiting from an internationally recognized network and expertise, donors refine their understanding of geopolitical risk and its consequences on global politics and the economy. In 2024, Ifri will support more than 70 French and foreign companies and organizations.

Ramses Conference, 2024
Analysis from Carole MATHIEU
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The EU’s Renewables Expansion Challenge Towards 2030: Mobilizing for a Mission Almost Impossible

Date de publication
16 May 2022

Only eight years are left to expand by almost three times the current total installed wind and solar energy capacity in the European Union (EU) in adding around 600 gigawatts (GW), and so reach the highly-ambitious 2030 targets. This requires a mobilization whose scale is immense – amidst times of unprecedented crises and uncertainties.

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Accelerating the energy transition in France: drawing inspiration from best practice in our European neighbours

Date de publication
24 March 2022

The success of energy transition is first and foremost a question of good governance, which must be based on expertise and collective deliberation.

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The EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism: A Piece in the Industry Decarbonization Puzzle

Date de publication
09 March 2022

The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is a first step toward reconciling the European Union (EU)’s climate and trade interests. However, a complementary set of domestic and external policies will be needed to drive the decarbonization of European and global energy-intensive industries.

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The Energy Price Crises: A Reality Check for Europe’s Green Deal

Date de publication
10 November 2021

On its path to carbon neutrality, the European Union (EU) will be exposed to growing energy price volatility and vulnerable to Russian and Chinese pressure on supply and demand.

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Climate and International Trade: The Clash of Powers

Date de publication
07 September 2021

The fight against climate change has a major economic dimension. With climate neutrality as their new objective, the major powers are counting on green industrial policy, and trying to contain the emissions related to their imports. 

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Green Batteries: a Competitive Advantage for Europe’s Electric Vehicle Value Chain?

Date de publication
12 April 2021

Aligning its climate and industrial policies, the European Union (UE) is introducing sustainability requirements for the whole life-cycle of electric vehicle (EV) batteries. This initiative would not only ensure that EVs fit with Europe’s climate-neutrality and resource-efficiency pledges, but also give European new entrants a better chance to compete.

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The War on Carbon. Five Priorities for the European Green Deal

Date de publication
08 October 2019

2019 has marked a fundamental turning point in the energy transition of the European Union (EU). 

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Strategic Dimensions of the Energy Transition: Challenges and Responses for France, Germany and the European Union

Date de publication
29 April 2019

The low-carbon energy transition in France, the European Union (EU) and the world is today taking place unevenly and too slowly to preserve the climate and biodiversity. CO2 emissions are continuing to rise, while governments’ commitments are insufficient: in the long-term, the world is set to see temperatures increase by +3°C. Efforts to fund adaptation measures still need to be strengthened considerably.

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Brexit, Electricity and the No-Deal Scenario: Perspectives from Continental Europe, Ireland and the UK

Date de publication
15 October 2018

When it comes to energy and electricity in particular, there can be no winner in the Brexit negotiations. The only reasonable objective should be to minimise losses and avoid trade friction.

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Navigating the Storm: ‘OPEC+’ Producers Facing Lower Oil Prices

Date de publication
18 June 2018

On 22 June 2018, “OPEC+” oil Ministers (Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries members and an ad hoc alliance with several non-OPEC producers, notably with Russia, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan) will gather in Vienna to discuss the status and future of their production limitation agreement which was initiated in November 2016 and runs until the end of December 2018.

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