Debates Seminars and Round-table Conferences
from 09:00 to 12:00
This event is for members

Turkey, Azerbaijan and the Southern Gas Corridor

Dans le cadre de l'Ifri Energy Breakfast Roundtable, un séminaire avec la participation de Yurdakul Yigitgüden, ancien Sous-secrétaire d'Etat au Ministère turc de l'Energie, Elshad Nassirov, Vice-Président, SOCAR (tbc) et Brendan Devlin, administrateur principal, DG TREN, Commission européenne.
Discutant : Christof van Agt, chercheur, Clingendael International Energy Program.
Modérateur : William C. Ramsay, directeur du programme Energie à l'Ifri.

En collaboration avec le "Cligendael International Energy Programme" - http://www.clingendael.nl/

The pipeline projects in the Southern Gas Corridor have been extensively discussed inside and outside the EU. After the different high-level summits in April and May, what is the current state of the several pipeline projects in the Southern Gas Corridor? In the context of the Southern Gas Corridor, the position of Turkey as a transit country is crucial. Where are the negotiations on a transit regime going? What are the remaining obstacles to finding a solution acceptable to all parties involved?
Moreover, Azerbaijan as a potential supplier country is of uppermost importance for all pipeline projects in the Southern Gas Corrido and already makes an important contribution to the security of oil and gas markets. What lessons can be learnt and how is the position of Azerbaijan evolving in the context of current development in the region?
This meeting further develops on the outcomes & findings of earlier roundtable discussions held by the Energy Program of Ifri and the Clingendael International Energy Program, like most recently Ifri's Annual Conference "Investing in Europe's Energy Future" in Brussels or Clingendael's "Energy in SE-Europe" conference in the Hague.

Conseil Central de l'Economie