Russia, a Weak Power? / Climate: Before the Paris Conference

FOCUS Russia, a Weak Power?
Russia, a Revisionist Power? by Fiodor Loukianov
From Russia’s Grand Strategy to the Limited War by Thomas Gomart
Vladimir Putin’s Non-Economic Logic by Ioulia Joutchkova and Vladislav Inozemtsev
Is Putin’s System Built to Last? by Tatiana Kastouéva-Jean
COUNTERPOINT Climate: Before the Paris Conference
Climate: Injustice for the South by Sunita Narain (read the article in French)
COP21: What are the Odds for Success? by Christian de Perthuis and Raphaël Trotignon
Issues in the Libyan Crisis by Archibald Gallet (read the article in French)
Israel and Hezbollah: The New Strategic Equation by Jean-Loup Samaan
Defeating Daesh: A Financial and Military Campaign by Myriam Benraad
South Sudan: From Disaster to Chaos by Marc-André Lagrange
Boko Haram, an Exception within the Jihadist Movement? by Marc-Antoine Pérouse de Montclos
The Country Risk Concept by Norbert Gaillard
Terrorism and Counter-Radicalization: the Danish Model by Lars Erslev Andersen
Le piège Daech. L’État islamique ou le retour de l’Histoire bt Pierre-Jean Luizard ; Le retour des djihadistes. Aux racines de l’État islamique by Patrick Cockburn, review by Myriam Benraad
You can read in French the Editorial of Politique étrangère, vol. 80, n° 2, été 2015
You can read in French the Book reviews of Politique étrangère, vol. 80, n° 2, été 2015