Publications Books

Army and Nation in Egypt: Civil and Military Power Paris : Ifri, 2001. - 128 p. (Notes de l'Ifri, n° 31)

 Since Mehmed Ali, the army has been at the heart of all sociopolitical evolutions in Egypt.

Since the creation of modern Egypt by Mehmet Ali, the army has become the leader of the country's social and political developments. Initially conceived as the pillar of the regime, the army has shaped Egypt's perceptions and visions of its role at both a regional and international scale.

This symbiotic relation between the Executive and the army was at its highest under Nasser's rule. Since then, Sadate's and Mubarak's efforts in order to put aside Nasser's heritage and to reform Egypt's institutions have followed two parallel processes: professionnalization of the army and demilitarization of politics. However, despite considerable success, many ambiguities still characterize civil-military relations in Egypt.


ISBN : 2-86592-100-X ISSN : 1272-9914