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United States


The November 2020 election of Joe Biden ended Donald Trump's extraordinary tenure. However, it doesn't inevitably indicate a return to previous policies, as American society's expectations have changed. Indeed, there is a call for a strong federal state on economic and social issues on the one hand, and on the other hand an increased mistrust vis-à-vis American interventionism. The magnitude of these transformations shows how necessary is a monitoring and analysis of the ever-evolving American political landscape — especially since they resonate with comparable political developments in Europe and in the rest of the world.

Founded in 2000, Ifri's United States Program aims to understand American culture and politics from the inside. Furthermore, it studies the evolutions of the country’s foreign and defense policies. It lastly actively contributes to maintaining close trans-Atlantic ties, producing and broadcasting research on the United States in France and Europe while also regularly welcoming U.S. academics and officials to Paris.

Building on field missions and a large network of journalists, business executives, diplomats, academics and researchers from American think tanks, the program's analysis are offered in two  main formats: the Potomac Papers, which are about 30 pages long notes that feature our latest research activities, and the Chroniques Américaines, which cover the country's social and political current events.The program also organizes research seminars and, since 2000, a major annual conference in December. As to inform the largest audience possible, our experts regularly intervene in the media, both in the written press and audiovisual sector. Our researchers also contribute to Ifri's main publications, RAMSES and Politique étrangère. Through this program, Ifri associated with the «Time to Sign Off»  (TTSO) Newsletter and  to air the "Trump 2020" Podcast  (available in French) every Wednesday from June 2019 to January 2021, focusing on the U.S. presidential elections. The partnership is renewed with the "New Deal" Podcast (also available in French) to report on U.S. current political events every Thursday



Laurence NARDON

Research Fellow, Head of Ifri's Americas Program

Anne-Lorraine BUJON

Advisor to the Americas Program

Alexander T. J. LENNON

Advisor to the Americas Programme


The U.S. program publishes in-depth analyses on American domestic and foreign policy issues in the form of:


By: Yves-Marie PEREON

Opposing environment protection policies has become a posture de rigueur for U.S. radical conservatives, especially in view of the 2012 campaign. This theme finds itself at the crossroads of several currents of American conservatism: a distrust of scientific elites, trust in the...


While European institutions continue to discuss the use of space for security as well as the need for a stable space environment, the United States organized a series of space reviews this past year. To explore these issues and foster an original debate, the Secure World Foundation, with a...

By: Page Somerville ROBINSON

The emergence of a feminist thought in the 18th century gave rise to steady and regular exchanges between French philosophers and American activists. They illustrate in a very particular sector the wealth of the relation between both countries. This dialogue continues on renewed bases today:...

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