NATO: 75 Years of Strategic Solidarity (replay)
The war in Ukraine, burden-sharing between Allies, U.S. disengagement from Europe, new areas of conflict... At a time when the Alliance has just celebrated its 75th anniversary and the Stoltenberg era is drawing to a close after ten years at the head of the organization, NATO's agenda bears witness to the diversity of its areas of action, as well as to the different perceptions of the Allies on these issues.
In the wake of the Washington summit, this conference of diplomats, military officers and researchers aims to analyze the short- and medium-term prospects for the Atlantic Alliance.

10:00 – 10:15 | Welcome Speech, Dr. Thomas Gomart, Director, Ifri
10:15 – 12:00 | Roundtable No. 1 – Alliance and Allies after the Washington Summit
Zebulon Carlander, Former Political Advisor to the Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs
Martin Quencez, Managing Director, Paris Office, German Marshall Fund
Dr. Thanos Ntokos, National Security Advisor, Greece
Dr. Marek Madej, Professor of Strategic Studies and International Security, University of Warsaw
Chair: Dr. Amélie Zima, Head of the European and Transatlantic Security Program, Ifri
12:00 – 13:30 | Lunch
13:30 – 15:00 | Roundtable No. 2 - Supporting Ukraine and the Future of Deterrence & Defense
Gen. Ben Barry, Senior Fellow for Land Warfare, International Institute for Security Studies
Adm. Marc Gander, Deputy Director of the Operations and Planning Division, NATO
Camille Grand, Distinguished Policy Fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations/Former NATO Assistant Secretary General for Defence Investment
Alena Kudzko, Vice President for Policy and Programming, Globsec
Chair: Dr. Élie Tenenbaum, Director of the Security Studies Center, Ifri
15:00 – 15:30 | Coffee Break
15:30 – 17:00 | Roundtable No. 3 – NATO’s New Threats and Domains of Conflict
Gen. Eric Autellet, former major general of the armies
Dr. Heidi Hardt, Associate Professor of Political Science, University of California, Irvine
Dr. Xavier Pasco, Director, Foundation for Strategic Research (FRS)
Chair: Dr. Laure de Roucy-Rochegonde, Head of the Geopolitics of Technology Center, Ifri
17:00 – 17:30 | Keynote: Gen. Philippe Lavigne, Supreme Allied Commander Transformation