Bavaria and France. Preparing the Future together
France and Bavaria have a longstanding close and solid partnership. However, the relationship between France and Bavaria is not only marked by a common history and by the structures created over the decades.

With its 13 million inhabitants, its internationally oriented economy, and its gross domestic product (GDP) of 630 billion euros, the Free State of Bavaria is a strong region in the heart of Europe.
The challenges of the future are the focus of cooperation today: the digitization of economies, climate change, dealing with the consequences of the COVID-19 crisis and the further construction of the European Union. In the future, Bavaria wishes to cooperate even more closely with France in these areas and to launch joint initiatives. The partnership should make it possible to act together within the European Union in the fields of research and innovation as well as technological cooperation.
Florian Hermann is Head of the Bavarian State Chancellery and Minister for Federal and European Affairs and Media.
This publication is available the following languages:
- FRENCH: "La Bavière et la France. Préparer l’avenir ensemble" (pdf)
- GERMAN: "Bayern und Frankreich, gemeinsam in die Zukunft" (pdf)
Published in cooperation with the Paris office of the Hanns Seidel Foundation.