Politique étrangère Articles from Politique Etrangère

The Muslim Brotherhood Has Developed Its Influence in Europe Politique étrangère, Vol. 74, No. 2, Summer 2009


The Muslim Brotherhood, which is the most important Islamic group in the Arabic world, is widely represented in Europe. Its following is composed of a large variety of organizations, whose religious practises vary in their orthodoxy. As they choose to integrate into society both nationally and locally, especially in France, their position has been somewhat normalized. This situation opens an ideological crisis within the movement that, in turn, weakens its militant strength.

Samir Amghar is about to present his sociology thesis at École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS). He is now working as a consultant for the Swiss Defense ministry and teaches seminars at EHESS. He coordinated Islamismes d’Occident. État des lieux et perspectives (Paris, Lignes de repères, 2006) and co-edited European Policy. Challenges for Society and Public Policy (Bruxelles, CEPS, 2008).

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ISBN : 978-2-86592-537-7 ISSN : 0032-342X