The pandemic has revealed the fragility of the Indian economy.
India and South Asia
Malgré son émergence depuis la fin des années 1990, l’Inde peine à entraîner ses voisins dans sa dynamique de croissance autant qu’à pacifier l’ensemble de sa sous-région. L’Asie du Sud reste marquée par de fortes tensions, avec des zones exposées à des niveaux élevés de violence intra-étatique (Afghanistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa et Baloutchistan au Pakistan, Jammu et Cachemire en Inde, pour ne citer qu’eux) et des conflits entre États qui sont, soit sans grande perspective de résolution (Inde-Pakistan), soit en phase d’aggravation (Inde-Chine). Loin de connaitre un processus d’intégration régionale, l’Asie du Sud est plutôt devenue le champ des rivalités d’influence entre la Chine et l’Inde.
L’émergence indienne, quant à elle, laisse entrevoir des contradictions latentes. Ce pays qui, sur le plan intérieur, accuse un recul démocratique et une intolérance religieuse grandissante ainsi qu’une fragilisation des acquis sociaux de la croissance, s’avère être un partenaire très actif et très sollicité sur le plan extérieur, notamment dans le nouveau contexte stratégique de l’Indo-Pacifique et de la rivalité sino-américaine.
A travers ses activités de recherche, le Centre Asie de l'Ifri vise à analyser les évolutions de l’Inde sur le plan intérieur comme sur les grands dossiers qui structurent la scène mondiale. Le Centre apporte aussi des éclairages sur les grandes tendances politiques, socioéconomiques et stratégiques qui se manifestent dans les autres pays sud-asiatiques.
Senior Advisor, Center for Asian Studies
...Associate Research Fellow, Center for Asian Studies
...China is now an undeniable heavyweight on the international scene, wielding a remarkable range of political strategies. Studying its position in the surrounding area of Southeast Asia in relation to Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries, as well...
The New Southern Policy (NSP), the signature foreign policy initiative by President Moon Jae-in of the Republic of Korea (ROK) that was officially launched in November 2017, has opened a new chapter in Seoul’s relations with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) as well as India.<...>
The Asia-Africa Growth Corridor (AAGC), an Indian-Japanese collaborative vision regarding development, connectivity and cooperation between Asia and Africa, was announced in 2017.
India's new citizenship law is an outcome of Hindutva Constitutionalism that legitimizes the notion of Hindu victimhood. While the opposition to the law has been vocal, it has remained fragmented.
India’s Space Program - International Competition and Evolution Asie.Visions, No. 111, December 2019
India’s space program has grown and evolved significantly in the last five decades. The program originally focused on developing space assets that provided direct developmental benefits, for example telecommunications and remote sensing satellites that helped both in improving communication...
The new European Union (EU) strategy on India marks a major moment of departure in EU-India relations.
Only devised a few years ago, the concept of the Indo-Pacific seeks to express a new configuration of the world’s globalization. In terms of economic exchange and power distribution, the Indo-Pacific is a unitary region spanning from the Persian Gulf to the Pacific, where all the major powers...
In recent years, experts and onlookers have noted a convergence of geopolitical interests between the United States and India.
Strategic competition between India and China in the Indian Ocean is growing and has the potential to profoundly impact the stability and security of the region. The Indian Ocean is becoming the scene of a sustained contest that in some ways resembles strategic competition during the Cold War....
Between Giants: The Sino-Indian contest for influence in the Indian Ocean Seminar
China and India are emerging as major maritime powers as part of long-term shifts in the regional balance of power.
Approaching the Indo-Pacific: American, French, Indian and Japanese Visions
The Indo-Pacific has become a buzzword since 2017, as it came to be used by all major players in the region stretching from East Africa to the Pacific.
Democracy in Asia: Models, Experiences and Challenges
Assessing the state of democracy in Asia is a challenge. While some countries, such as Japan and India, have been showing the way from early days, some others, such as in Southeast Asia are still struggling to ensure stable and sustainable democratic institutions and practices.
Competing Worldviews and the Changing Order in Asia
As the regional balance of power in Asia continues to evolve and tensions in a number of hot spots - from the Korean Peninsula to the East and South China Seas and the Taiwan Strait - either simmer or intensify, the future of regional stability is increasingly uncertain. Within this context,...
China’s Belt and Road – Towards Globalization with Chinese Characteristics? Ifri-OCP Policy Center Roundtables
In 2013, Chinese president Xi Jinping first unveiled his broad vision to develop regional connectivity and infrastructure across Eurasia that would later be officially named the Belt and Road Initiative (or yi dai yi lu, One Belt, One Road, or OBOR).
India-Pakistan Relations under the Modi Government
Midway through his term since elected to office in May 2014, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Pakistan policy has undergone dramatic shifts. From initial enthusiasm to making an impromptu visit to Lahore in December 2015, and then carrying out ‘surgical strikes’ against Pakistan-based...
The Asian Century: What International Norms and Practices? Conference held by the Ifri Center for Asian Studies
Disputed interpretations of the Law of the Sea
This one-day conférence will discuss various dimensions of Pakistan's domestic and international politics. In particular, the role of Pakistan in its regional environment, the evolution of its economic situation and trade policy, the energy situation in Pakistan will be tackled.
Inde/ASEAN : des rapprochements pour quelles ambitions ?
Alors que les liens ont tendance à se resserrer entre l"Inde et les pays de l"ASEAN, non seulement dans le domaine économique mais aussi en matière de défense, les conditions d"un dialogue politique ne semblent pas encore réunies. La mise en place d‘un véritable partenariat entre les deux...
La Chine, l'Inde et l'enjeu birman
Séminaire autour de Renaud Egreteau, chercheur et maître de conférences au Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, The University of Hong Kong. Discutante : Sophie Boisseau du Rocher, chercheur spécialiste de l'Asie du Sud-Est et auteur de ...
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