Études de l'Ifri Focus Stratégique
Earth globe hologram with interface
Clotilde BÔMONT

Le cloud défense : défi opérationnel, impératif stratégique et enjeu de souveraineté Focus stratégique, No. 107, November 2021

Cloud computing – or data management – is considered as one of the pillars of the digital transformation of the French Ministry of the Armed Forces. 


However, it requires to outsource the management of information technology (IT) resources, which poses many technical and cultural as well as political and industrial challenges. In addition to the necessity of controlling the technology, there are major strategic issues relating to autonomy and influence. The defense cloud therefore depends as much on the capacity of the military to adapt the technology to its security and operational requirements, as on the industrial partnerships set up by the ministry, and national policies on the matter.


This content is available in French : Le cloud défense : défi opérationnel, impératif stratégique et enjeu de souveraineté

cloud collaborative combat digitization France