Politique étrangère Articles from Politique Etrangère

The Armies Between "Technologism" and "Just Enough Technology" Vincent Desportes, Politique étrangère, 2:2009 (Summer)


After the Cold War, the fascination for technology shaped American strategic choices in a way that led to excessively expensive armies on account of their equipment. Moreover, this equipment has proven to be inadequate in the case of current conflicts. As the United States is adjusting its views on the matter, technology and the concept of interoperability have to be kept in the right perspective: they must serve strategies, and not substitute for them.

Vincent Desportes, major general, is Head of the Collège interarmées de Défense (CID). Graduated from Saint-Cyr and a cavalry officer, he is a commissioned engineer from École supérieure de guerre. He also holds a degree from the War College and has been a military attaché to the United States. He published numerous articles and several books on tactical and strategical questions.

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ISBN : 978-2-86592-537-7 ISSN : 0032-342X