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With over 150 publications issued each year
under an open access policy in French, English, German and Russian,
Ifri enriches the international debate with a constant concern for
objectivity, intellectual rigor, transversality, openness, and support to public and private decision-making.

320 Résultats

The dramatic rise of Chinese direct investment into the European Union has sparked a debate about the control that China may be seeking to take over European economies. Quite naturally these concerns have led to repeated calls that action be taken to slow down, if not to...


There may be a a greater focus on European issues than before in the European election campaign in France. However, the combined effects of the economic crisis, the low popularity of the EU, and the unpopularity of political leaders could crystallise a ‘protest" vote for both national and...


Le soutien à la cause palestinienne a émergé en France dans les années 1960 et s'est structuré autour de quatre tendances: les réseaux arabes, les "cathos de gauche", une partie des gaullistes et l'extrême-gauche. Depuis lors, la mouvance pro-palestinienne a beaucoup évolué et attire ...