

Former Research Fellow and Head of Ifri's Geopolitics of Technology Program 

Research Interests:

  • Geopolitical dimension of new technologies
  • European tech sovereignty & strategies (e.g. quantum, cloud, AI, semiconductors)
  • Industrial, research and innovation policies
  • France and EU's technology partnerships


Alice Pannier headed the Geopolitics of Technology program from its launch in October 2020 to February 2024, after being an Associate Research Fellow since 2019. Her research focused on the geopolitical dimension of new technology, European technology policies, and transatlantic relations. She has also worked for a long time on European security and the foreign and defense policies of European countries, especially France and the United Kingdom.

Prior to joining Ifri, she was Assistant Professor in International Relations and European Studies at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) at Johns Hopkins University in Washington (2017-2020). Previously, she was a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of strategic research (IRSEM) at the French ministry of armed forces. She is a graduate of King’s College London and Panthéon-Sorbonne University and holds a doctorate in political science from IEP Paris, co-supervised with King’s College.

All my publications

Open source is at the heart of the Internet infrastructure, of the software used by individuals or governments, and of the innovation processes of tech companies. Faced with threats to the security and sustainability of the open source model, governments are getting a hold of the topic, which...


France  has  historically  paid  significant  attention  to  strategic  technologies  and  industries,  whether they were strictly defence- and nuclear deterrence related, or considered as vectors of national independence and security,...


France’s policy vis-à-vis the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has always been ambivalent. On paper, France’s strategic culture fits well within NATO’s nature and agenda. Yet, in practice, French membership of NATO has always been uneasy. Several intra-alliance developments...


Computing power plays a key role in enabling machine learning, for scientific research, and in the military domain. Therefore, the race for computing power has become a key element of the US-China technological competition, and it is also a strategic priority for Europe.


Non-European cloud service providers host the vast majority of European data, which is viewed as an economic as well as a political problem. Gaia-X, European governments and the European Union aim to bolster the European cloud market while responding to data privacy and cybersecurity concerns....

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