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With over 150 publications issued each year
under an open access policy in French, English, German and Russian,
Ifri enriches the international debate with a constant concern for
objectivity, intellectual rigor, transversality, openness, and support to public and private decision-making.

320 Résultats

Les combats en Afghanistan et plus généralement les opérations de stabilisation ne sont pas "a-technologiques". Ils ont des implications capacitaires pour des armées occidentales qui s'étaient équipées pour d'autres types de conflit. Nos matériels n'en perdent pas pour autant leur utilité.

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This project aims at examining and comparing the ' national models of integration ' in France and the Netherlands in a context when the question of their crisis is raised. The social and political practice of the discourse about the model needs to be questioned in order to understand the...


A number of countries have chosen recently to shift away from an exclusive support to trade multilateralism and towards regional or bilateral trade agreements. Being no exceptions in this respect, the Republic of South Korea and the European Union have engaged in a bilateral...


A widely held consensus view claims that East Asia has been shifting recently from a market-led to an institution-based form of regional economic integration, primarily as a result of the 1997-1998 financial crisis. Next to post-crisis financial cooperation schemes under the...