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Economic issues are covereded from a political economy perspective: changes in the global economic system, governance and institutions, dynamics and trends in different economic zones (USA, Russia, China, Emerging ...). European problems are given special attention.

Sébastien JEAN

Associate Director of Ifri's Geoeconomics and Geofinance initiative 


During the last twenty years, financial globalization has strongly stimulated world growth. But it entailed a negative consequence: the spread of the financial crisis all over the world. This crisis demonstrates how necessary a new world governance system is. It must be implemented on two...

By: Philippe de SCHOUTHEETE

The financial crisis hit European institutions that are already shaky. The French presidency gave the illusion that the European Union was well governed, even if the rules remained unchanged. The European Central Bank is presumably the institution which held best, while the European Commission...


Far from mirroring the perversity of the financial system, the current crisis reflects the complexity of social practices. Wrong interpretations that are seemingly obvious must be kept at arm’s length, as they are misleading and hide real dangers. Risk aversion, which engenders insecurity, is...

By: Kemal DERVIS

After a rather long span of high growth rates, slow inflation and financial stability, the world faces a period of prices volatility, economic uncertainty, social instability and loss of confidence. In order to implement anti-deflationist and fiscal pro-growth policies, and to organise...

By: Sophie MEUNIER

In 2003, many calls were made in favor of an economic boycott both in the United States and in some European countries that disagreed with the Iraq war, but they had no serious economic consequences. Several factors can explain why trade was not sensitive to transatlantic tensions, the first...


A number of countries have chosen recently to shift away from an exclusive support to trade multilateralism and towards regional or bilateral trade agreements. Being no exceptions in this respect, the Republic of South Korea and the European Union have engaged in a bilateral...


A widely held consensus view claims that East Asia has been shifting recently from a market-led to an institution-based form of regional economic integration, primarily as a result of the 1997-1998 financial crisis. Next to post-crisis financial cooperation schemes under the...

By: Alexander VON KAP-HERR, Jennifer MORREAU

European Aid Ministers qualified 2008 as 'crucial for the development and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDO)'. So, the French presidency of the EU council devotes a part of its activities to Aid cooperation, mostly based on initiatives launched by Germany in 2007. In...

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