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Economic issues are covereded from a political economy perspective: changes in the global economic system, governance and institutions, dynamics and trends in different economic zones (USA, Russia, China, Emerging ...). European problems are given special attention.

Sébastien JEAN

Associate Director of Ifri's Geoeconomics and Geofinance initiative 


After the Maastricht Treaty, the European Union has launched an ambitious program to develop Trans-European Networks for transport, but results have been quite disappointing. In 2001, the White Paper on the European transport policy pointed to a discrepancy between the objectives of the...

By: Pierre RAINELLI, (ed.)

In a normative way, the role of the market, as well for domestic exchanges as for international trade, calls into question the notion of economic policy. Particularly for agriculture, total liberalization raises specific problems because of market failures which legitimate public intervention....


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The change in United States macro-economic policy since 9/11 has squeezed economic orthodoxy. It is now guided by hybrid economic considerations and disturbing political and strategic decisions. Though positive economic results...


In the 1980s, after decades of scepticism or even hostility, the belief developed that multinationals could be an important component of a national development strategy. As a result, governments around the world have been wooing multinationals. Yet the challenge is to ensure that foreign...

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