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Economic issues are covereded from a political economy perspective: changes in the global economic system, governance and institutions, dynamics and trends in different economic zones (USA, Russia, China, Emerging ...). European problems are given special attention.

Sébastien JEAN

Associate Director of Ifri's Geoeconomics and Geofinance initiative 


After the failures of the Seattle and Cancun summits, the cycle of negotiations begun at Doha must without a doubt be revived if the WTO is to truly become the organisation for globalisation for all concerned. But on what basis? The advocates of a “wide“ cycle which would include cultural...


Relaunching the Doha Round must start with a shared understanding of the causes that led to the failure of Cancun, amongst the WTO membership. Yet the North and the South currently maintain parallel interpretations. Growth crisis on one hand : the developed countries concentrate their approach...

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