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This article suggests that the tactics and strategy used by Jihadists are not completely new. The strategic posture of Jihadist groups can indeed be compared to the one adopted by guerilla movements in the 1950’s-1970’s....


Zalmaï Haquani, ambassador of Afghanistan to France, describes the history of his country since the 1950’s and analyses its current situation. He presents the main geographic, ethnic and socio-economic characteristics of one of the key countries for the stability in Central Asia.

Thursday 19 December 2002
from 08:00 to 11:00 - Conférences

La première conférence annuelle du programme Espace, organisée avec le Council on Foreign Relations (en anglais).
(Séminaire CFE)

Lire le résumé de cette conférence, en anglais, en format pdf (108k)

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