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Russian Foreign Policy and Security

Vladimir Putin with Sergey Lavrov. 23.03.2016
Vladimir Putin with Sergey Lavrov. 23.03.2016

The Foreign Policy and Security research axis whithin Ifri's Russia / Eurasia Center analyses the relations of Russia and the Eurasian States with the rest of the world, with a special focus on security issues. 


Director of Ifri's Russia / Eurasia Center

Dimitri MINIC

Research Fellow, Russia / Eurasia Center 


Project Officer, Russia / Eurasia Center

Pavel BAEV

Associate Research Fellow, Russia / Eurasia Center

Bobo LO

Associate Research Fellow, Russia / Eurasia Center


Associate Fellow, Russia / Eurasia and Geopolitics of Technologies Centers

By: Laurence NARDON, Delaine TUBBS

With the Democratic Presidential Nomination in sight, Hillary Clinton must still contend with a continuous conversation about her email practices. How will this scandal, or non-scandal, affect the presidential race yet to come? A look at the perspectives of the American constituency and&nbsp...

By: Dmitri TRENIN

Among Russia’s strategic priorities, Asia traditionally played a secondary role compared to the West. In the mid-1990s, then Foreign Minister Yevgeny Primakov initiated a rapprochement with China and India. Then, in 2014, deteriorating relations between Russia and the West...

By: Alexander SHUMILIN

Moscow's approach to the Middle East has undergone real changes from Soviet times to the present day: it evolved from creating zones of influence against the background of confrontation with the West to seeing the region through the prism of mainly economic interests, and, finally, to Moscow’s...

By: Bobo LO

The discussion about the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) opposes two narratives. The first considers they play an increasing role in the international relations as the West is loosing power; the other sees the BRICS as a charade. But the key role played by the...


The Eurasian axis of Russian foreign policy has been given several impetuses over the last two years. The most important of these has been the sharp deterioration in relations with the West against the backdrop of the Ukraine crisis.

By: Julien NOCETTI, in collaboration with Internet Policy Review

Julien Nocetti outlines the new geopolitical challenges posed by the current stand-off between Russia and the West over Ukraine, which have added to the general defensive leitmotiv in the Russian domestic internet governance with a tighter grip on online communications and transactions...


Since the beginning of the crisis in Ukraine, Russia has been waging an information war that reflects its perception of its relationship towards the West as being that of a state of permanent conflict which needs the use of alternative tools to weaken both the enemy’s will and the capabilities...

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