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On the occasion of Barack Obama's Nobel Peace prize-giving ceremony a live TV broadcast from Oslo, was organized by Ifri and the Embassy of the United States. The annual conference on the United States, organized by the United States program continued on December 11 notably with Dominique...

By: Alain ANTIL, , Nancy ANDREW, Alfred BABO, Claire MEDARD

Summary : One of the most important cross-section thematic across Sub-Saharan Africa is rural land issues. It is going to play a crucial role for the future of African societies. The agricultural sector is still representing a major position either in terms of GDP than active population...


As China's role in shaping the world grows, Russia is increasingly unable to resist its neighbor's economic and political influence. As a result, Russia's China discourse has evolved from the one dominated by Westernizers to one largely controlled by Sinophiles. The latter favor development of...

By: Dominic FEAN

After the European Union's intervention in the August 2008 Russo-Georgian war, the EU has stepped up the visibility of its involvement in the South Caucasian state. Its political, economic and manpower engagement is now vital to the country's prosperity and stability. The Eastern Partnership,...

Monday 07 May 2012
from 12:30 to 14:30 - Conférences

Following the outcome of the French presidential election, Ifri Brussels organizes a debate on May 7 on "France and Europe: what does the presidential election change?" Dominique DAVID, Ifri's Executive Director, will analyze the situation and lay out what we can expect from...

Thursday 05 April 2012
from 09:00 to 10:30 - Seminars and Round-table Conferences

Lors de ce séminaire-débat, Alice Ekman, chercheur associé au Centre Asie Ifri, chargée des activités de recherche touchant à la Chine, présentera les conclusions de sa récente étude sur les orientations de la politique étrangère chinoise.

Thursday 22 March 2012
from 11:45 to 13:30 - Dinners and Luncheons

Déjeuner débat réservé aux entreprises membres de l'Ifri, sur invitation personnelle.

Avec Thomas Gomart, directeur du Centre Russie/NEI eet du Développement stratégique, Ifri

Réélu avec 63 % des suffrages au premier tour, Vladimir Poutine commence un troisième mandat...

Tuesday 13 March 2012
from 07:30 to 17:00 - Conférences

The conference is organized and hosted by Ifri, witht the support of OCP, in partnership with Casa Arabe (Espagne) and with the participation of the Canadian Embassy in France.


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