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The EU anti-discrimination agenda, as set out by the Amsterdam Treaty of 1997, has become a major issue for understanding the future of citizenship in Europe. This timely collection, which features internationally renowned contributors, including Andrew Geddes, Etienne Balibar, Stephen Castles...


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In the last few decades, bilateral, multilateral, and regional agreements on arms control have witnessed remarkable development. Fundamental problems remain — on verification, withdrawal rules, or negotiation processes. Yet the entire...


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The American Generals’ new recommendations on dealing with the Iraqi insurrection may well prove vain. Indeed, they show the reluctance U.S. policy-makers have in governing the invaded territories directly. Yet the means of a...


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The 9/11 attacks began the era of catastrophic terrorism. Since then, terrorism has evolved. New types of jihadists have emerged, due in part to the deteriorating situation in Iraq. Jihadism will almost certainly come to...


Although it is often said that globalization enriches the rich and impoverishes the poor and therefore causes inequality, the reality seems to be much more complex. Firstly the aggravation of inequality in the world has not been proven; it all depends what inequalities are...


L'objectif de cette étude est double. Il s'agit de mettre en lumière les points communs et les divergences entre les stratégies aériennes des pays occidentaux en menant une réflexion comparative sur le rôle et la place de l'arme aérienne aux Etats-Unis et en Europe. La seconde ambition est de...

Tuesday 27 February 2007
from 08:00 to 10:30 - Seminars and Round-table Conferences

Dans le cadre de la Ifri Energy Breakfast Roundtable, un séminaire avec Alessandro Clerici, Conseiller Spécial auprès d"ABB, Italie, et président du groupe de travail sur le nucléaire du World Energy Council.

Tuesday 30 January 2007
from 08:00 to 10:30 - Seminars and Round-table Conferences

Dans le cadre de la Ifri Energy Breakfast Roundtable, un séminaire avec Yves Smeers, Titulaire de la Chaire Tractebel en économie des réseaux d'énergie à l"Université Catholique de Louvain.

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