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Energy Challenges in Africa

workers maintain a thermal power station
workers maintain a thermal power station

The Energy Challenges in Africa research axis whithin Ifri's Sub-Saharan Africa Center adresses the exploitation of extractive natural resources on the African continent. It also covers the geopolitical stakes that derive from it, and the governance practices in this sector implemented by producing countries and by those about to become producing, such as East African States.




Research FellowDirector of Ifri's Sub-Saharan Africa Center

Benjamin AUGE

Associate Research Fellow, Sub-Saharan Africa Center / Center for Energy and Climate


The vast gas discoveries in Mozambique, some 160 trillion cubic feet (4,530 billion cubic meters), will make this very poor country (6th lowest gross national income (GNI) per capita – the lowest in Africa) one of the world’s future major producers of liquefied natural gas (LNG) within two...


This study analyses the various mechanisms that explain the leakage of the main source wealth in Nigeria at all levels of the production and commercialization of oil and gas, from the wellheads, with the bunkering of pipelines, up to the export of crude oil and the import of refined products,...

By: Mathias de ALENCASTRO

In a matter of months, Luanda politics became unrecognizable. The reasons why, and the ways in which, João Lourenço, President of Angola since september 2017, proceeded to these substantial and unexpected changes will be analyzed in detail in the pages that follow. 


The study and comparison of different National Oil Companies (NOC) help understanding the political history of Algeria, Nigeria and Angola. The NOC’s role and activities depend on several economic and political aspects. For example, Angolan Sonangol has been the coffer for the Popular Movement...

Thursday 07 July 2016
from 09:30 to 11:00 - Seminars and Round-table Conferences

Access to electricity has proven a major impediment to economic growth in Africa. As an increasingly important investor in the region, what role has China played in tackling issues of energy poverty, and what can be done in the future?

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