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Energy & Climate


Ifri has celebrated its 40th anniversary in 2019 and is ranked in the top-3 of the world's most influential think-tanks (Upenn Index). Its Center for Energy & Climate combines a unique expertise on energy & climate policies and European and global energy markets, technologies and value chains. In particular, the Center analyses the interplay between geopolitics, geo-economics and energy markets & policies. And how the traditional tensions around fossil fuels evolve and are complemented by new rivalries for other resources, norms, technologies, investments, value chains.

Through its reports, closed-door seminars and open events in Paris and Brussels, the Center for Energy & Climate is conducting forefront and independent research to provide strategic information and analyses to policy-makers, industry stakeholders, academia, media and the wider public. The Center is a leading voice in France and the European Union.


Research areas

  • The strategic dimension of the European Union energy transition and drive towards carbon neutrality by 2050; cooperation and coordination among relevant actors; geo-economic rivalries around the deployment of low carbon energy systems; risks and opportunities for public and private stakeholders.
  • Shifting power relations and alliances in the global climate governance and implementation of the Paris Agreement; climate change and instability.
  • Electricity sectors in Sub-Saharan Africa: scaling up sustainable electricity access, attracting investments and restructuring, and developing low carbon electricity systems.
  • The evolving interdependence between and among fossil fuels producers and consumers; the future stability and geopolitical orientation of fossil fuel exporters.


Organisation of the Centre

The governance and financial structure of the Center ensures that our work is fully independent and of the highest quality and relevance. The Center is financed by Ifri partner institutions, organizations and companies as presented in Ifri's activity report.

The Steering Committee gathers representatives from the Center’s partners, the Director of Ifri, and the Director of the Center for Energy & Climate. Meetings of the Steering Committee provide our partners the opportunity to express their views on the general orientation of the Center.

Marc-Antoine EYL-MAZZEGA

Director of Ifri’s Center for Energy & Climate

Diana-Paula GHERASIM

Research Fellow, Head of European energy and climate policies, Center for Energy & Climate

Thibault MICHEL

Research Fellow, Center for Energy & Climate


Associate Research Fellow, Center for Energy & Climate

Olivier APPERT

Senior Advisor, Center for Energy & Climate

Benjamin AUGE

Associate Research Fellow, Sub-Saharan Africa Center / Center for Energy and Climate


Associate Research Fellow, Center for Energy & Climate


Associate Research Fellow, Center for Energy & Climate


Senior Advisor, Center for Energy & Climate


Associate Research Fellow, Center for Energy & Climate

Kevin TU

Associate Research Fellow, Center for Energy & Climate

Thibaud VOÏTA

Associate Research Fellow, Center for Energy & Climate

The Geopolitics of fossil fuels research axis whithin Ifri's Center for Energy and Climate deals with global geopolitical trends of the oil, gas and coal sectors, with a focus on short and longer term trends in demand and supply.
The Major stakes of the electricity sector research axis whithin Ifri's Center for Energy & Climate focuses on the economic and geopolitic transformation of the electricity sector, at French, European and global levels. A specific attention...
The European energy policy research axis whithin Ifri's Center for Energy & Climate examines the major policy regulatory issues of the European internal and external energy policies, with a focus on the integration of energy markets and the...
The Climate policies and energy transition research axis whithin Ifri's Center for Energy & Climate deals with the climate change policies adopted at national levels, as well as the positions of the main emitting countries in the...
By: Marc-Antoine EYL-MAZZEGA, Diana-Paula GHERASIM, (eds) , Kevin TU, Thibault DENAMIEL, Narendra TANEJA, Gaylor MONTMASSON-CLAIR, Fatin DURUKAN

Ahead of June 2024 European elections and against the backdrop of growing geopolitical and geoeconomic frictions, if not tensions, between the EU and some of its largest trade partners, not least based on the external impacts of the European Green Deal (EGD), Ifri chose to collect views and...


In adapting to growing geopolitical competition over digital technology, the EU and the UK are striving for economic security and technological sovereignty. European policies focus on reducing critical over-dependencies on China. This de-risking is a necessary process of adaptation to the new...


Indonesia is a country that is booming economically and demographically. This not only matters for regional, political, and energy security, but also increasingly, for the world’s energy transitions, due to Indonesia’s large metal reserves, as well as its equally important coal consumption in...


While solar photovoltaic (PV) installations are booming in Europe (and in other parts of the world), the local industry is closing down. Over the past two years, the European installed solar PV capacity has been multiplied by two. On the other hand, the remaining European manufacturers of...


Transport, energy, water and telecommunications infrastructures are vital for economic development. These infrastructures are also fundamental for the achievement of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which have suffered a setback notably due to the Covid-19 pandemic, wars, and...

By: Raphael DEBERDT

The United States (US) reliance on foreign supplies of raw and processed critical minerals is pressing Washington to devise a strategy to secure short-, medium- and long-term solutions. Pressure only increased with the booming demand spurred partly by the Inflation Reduction Act’s (IRA)...


Electric vehicles (EVs) are better for the climate – even in worst-case scenarios. Across its life cycle, a typical European electric car produces less greenhouse gas (GHG) and air pollutants or noise than its petrol or diesel equivalent. Emissions are usually higher in the production phase,...


The European Green Deal has not been planned for the current extraordinarily deteriorated internal and external environment. Russia’s war in Ukraine, higher interest rates, inflation, strained public finances, weakened value chains, and lack of crucial skills pose unprecedented challenges....


This Briefing offers an analysis of Brazil's political and economic situation and prospects at the end of 2023. It also examines Brazil's position on certain international relations issues, thirteen months after Lula's election.


The UN climate conference in Dubai faces a moment of troubled geopolitical agenda lowering the focus on the climate emergency, but natural ecosystems will not wait for human decisions. A challenging test for the survival of diplomacy.

Friday 31 May 2024
at 08:30 - Conférences

The United Nations' 2030 Agenda is organized around the climate and development nexus. The fight against climate change is a cross-cutting Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) that is not limited to SDG 13 and environmental policies.

Thursday 01 February 2024
from 08:30 to 11:00 - External Events

The European Union's energy transition has historically never been so advanced, yet never so vulnerable. Over the last four years, the European Union (EU) has experienced significant growth in renewable energy capacities, Electric Vehicle (EV), and heat pump adoption. Progress has...

Tuesday 21 November 2023
from 15:00 to 18:30 - Conférences

The Black Sea has become a battleground in the Russian-Ukrainian war. While Moscow asserts its ambitions for power at sea and on land, Ankara controls maritime access through the strait. Turkey plays the role of mediator to ensure the security of grain and hydrocarbon...

Thursday 21 September 2023
from 09:00 to 10:30 - Videoconferences

The United States of America has deployed the powerful tool of the Inflation Reduction Act to stimulate decarbonization investments, support all low carbon technologies and prioritize homemade technological leadership. 

Friday 16 June 2023
from 08:45 to 17:00 - Conférences

Germany’s transition to climate neutrality will require large volumes of low carbon hydrogen and byproducts (H2). A large part will have to be imported, and German companies plan to play a key role across significant portions of the value chains with the backing of the government.

Monday 13 February 2023
from 11:30 to 13:00 - Videoconferences

At COP15 on Biodiversity in Montreal last month, a historical deal was reached, which includes the goal of protecting 30% of the world’s land and water ecosystems, mobilizing USD 200 billion, and moving away from environmentally harmful investments.


In a world already threatened by climate change, wars bring an additional component of instability. How do armed conflicts impact the energy transition, and what can be done about this? Learn more from the discussion featuring Marc-Antoine Eyl-Mazzega, Director of Ifri’s Center for Energy &amp...

By: Marc-Antoine EYL-MAZZEGA, cité par Adrien Pécout dans le Monde

Les Etats-Unis, alliés traditionnels d’Israël, pourraient être amenés à encadrer plus strictement l’application des sanctions contre Téhéran, pays qui représentait 4 % de l’offre mondiale de brut en 2022. Voire à les durcir s’il est avéré que l’Iran a aidé à planifier les actes...


The recent energy crisis has highlighted our economies' dependence on energy resources. With fossil fuels becoming less available, and a necessary transition to more decarbonised alternatives, could tomorrow's energy not become more expensive and less certain in...

By: Diana-Paula GHERASIM, interviewed by Rim Berahab via the organisation Policy Center for the New South

The European Green Deal (EGD) is the single most defining policy initiative of the Von der Leyen Commission. Since its publication in December 2019, it has become the European Union’s (EU) new raison d’être.

By: Marc-Antoine EYL-MAZZEGA, intervenu pour Open Society Foundations et Euractiv

Some of Europe’s poorest countries and communities would be hardest hit by disruptions of Russian energy supplies. With a difficult winter ahead, Europe’s ability to redistribute costs equitably and to shield the most vulnerable will determine whether it can preserve social cohesion and the...


Replay from Ifri's conference at the European Parliament in Brussels (October 11, 2022). The combination of the climate crisis and Russia’s war in Ukraine makes the case for a much faster transition to a fully decarbonized power system. 




  • Ifri Center for Energy & Climate Activity report 2021:

 file type icon Rapport d’activité 2021 Centre Énergie & Climat



  • Analysis of the key issues that will make or break the Green Deal's energy and industrial aspects, by Marc-Antoine Eyl-Mazzega, Director of the Center for Energy & Climate, Ifri, 19 may 2020: The Twelve Labours of the European Green Deal



  • Presentation by Marc-Antoine Eyl-Mazzega, Director of Ifri Center for Energy, 2nd German-Danish Roundtable on Energy Transition, Copenhaguen, 24 September 2019: The perspectives for biomethane in the EU
  • Dialogue with Naftogaz CEO Kobolyev on gas negociations and Naftogaz restructuring, Brussels, 20 September 2019.


        Marc-Antoine Eyl-Mazzega, Director, Ifri Center for Energy and Andriy Kobolyev, CEO, Naftogaz

  • Hearing of Carole Mathieu, Head of EU Energy & Climate Policies of the Ifri Center for Energy, National Assembly,  25 July 2019, Paris : Commission of inquiery Impacts of the Energy Transition (video)



  • Fruitful conversation with Egypt's Minister of Petroleum and Natural Resources Tarek El Molla about Egypt's impressive energy sector reforms and positioning as a regional gas hub, Ifri, 12 June, Paris.

Marc-Antoine Eyl-Mazzega, Director of Ifri Center for Energy, Tarek El Molla, Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources of Egypt, Thomas Gomart, Director of Ifri