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The presidential and legislative elections held in Turkey in May 2023 confirmed the victory of the Islamo-nationalist coalition led by Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. The economic crisis, the devastating effects of the earthquake in February, the deterioration of the Kurdish file, and the multiplication of geopolitical threats have undoubtedly favored the outgoing party, despite an unprecedented effort by the opposition to promote the need for an alternation. What is to be expected from this new mandate of Erdoğan, which will in principle be the last?

Building on the work of its Contemporary Turkey program founded in 2008, Ifri is stepping up its analyzes with a forecasting objective in its “Türkiye 2050” research project. Türkiye's domestic politics, economy and diplomacy will be scrutinized to shed light on blind spots, as to anticipate future trends.

79 Résultats
By: Marc-Antoine EYL-MAZZEGA, Diana-Paula GHERASIM, (eds) , Kevin TU, Thibault DENAMIEL, Narendra TANEJA, Gaylor MONTMASSON-CLAIR, Fatin DURUKAN

Ahead of June 2024 European elections and against the backdrop of growing geopolitical and geoeconomic frictions, if not tensions, between the EU and some of its largest trade partners, not least based on the external impacts of the European Green Deal (EGD), Ifri chose to collect views and...


While the May 2023 parliamentary and presidential elections looked as a difficult test for the flagging Islamo-conservative Justice and Development Party (AKP), they eventually held on to power, demonstrating their remarkable foothold in the Turkish context. The party notably recorded...


Since the launch of the Opening Plan to Africa in 2003, Turkey's African policy has spread to the whole of the African continent, where its involvement is distinguished by its scope and diversity.


Since 2016, the tactical drone TB2 Bayraktar—“standard bearer” in Turkish—has received considerable media attention, particularly during the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh in 2020. Thanks to Azerbaijan’s victory over its neighbor Armenia, the drone, manufactured by Baykar, is now a proven combat...

By: Dorothée SCHMID, interviewed by Julia Kim for "Middle East Matters" on France24.

The leaders of Saudi Arabia and Turkey are turning the page on years of strained relations, exacerbated by the 2018 assassination of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the kingdom's consulate in Istanbul. Face-to-face dialogue is the order of the day between Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman...


After the Arab uprisings, Turkey’s relations with Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) broke down along sharp ideological lines. While Riyadh and Abu Dhabi sought to preserve the regional status quo by adopting a counter-revolutionary approach, Turkey emerged as an anti status quo,...