Débats Séminaires et tables rondes
Hors les murs
de 09:00 à 11:30
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Ukraine-Energy: A Transit Country in Deadlock?

Ukraine-Energy: A Transit Country in Deadlock?

Dans le cadre de l'Ifri Energy Breakfast Roundtable, un séminaire avec Vsevolod Chentsov, Deputy Head of Mission, Mission of Ukraine to the EU, Susanne Nies, Senior Research Fellow and Head, Ifri Brussels, Simon Pirani, Senior Research Fellow, Oxford Energy Institute, Olivier Silla, Deputy Head of Unit, International Energy Relations, Enlargement, DG of Energy and Transport, European Commission.
Présidence: Jacques Lesourne, président du Comité scientifique du Programme Energie Ifri. Modérateur: William C. Ramsay, Senior Fellow, Director of the Ifri Energy Program.

Are we going to witness a new gas supply disruption this winter Which elements favor such a hypothesis, one year after the last crisis? What is the place of politics in Ukraine in the picture, the preparedness of EU member states? What would be the consequence of a crisis? And how to assess the perspectives of Ukraine's role in the transit picture, in light of pre-election politics, the economics crisis, and poor state of Russia-Ukrainian relations?

Conseil Central de l'Economie, Salle 1, Avenue de la Joyeuse Entrée 17-21, Bruxelles

Programme Energie - Contact : breux@ifri.org

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