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Security and Defense

 Silhouette de drone militaire sur fond coucher de soleil.

The relative simplicity of the Cold War has given way to a series of crises and conflicts involving heterogeneous actors and unpredictable situations. Today, security studies require an integrated approach that takes into account both regional and global dimensions, as well as political trends (coalitions, pressure from the media, strategic rivalries and limited wars) and military dynamics (nuclear and conventional capabilities, reduced force structures, types and methods of intervention).

Since the 1990s, Ifri’s Security Studies Center has stimulated debate and contributed to the improvement of strategic thinking in France through its conferences and widely read publications (in French and English). The Center also works on behalf of public and private policymakers through briefs and closed-door seminars.

Ifri's Security Studies Center analyzes traditional defense issues as well as the evolution of the broader field of security. The Center’s programs are designed to be enduring and cross disciplinary, and are conducted with the help of other Ifri research units. Through its innovative work, the Center has two objectives: influencing a wide public with its publications – in particular its two electronic paper series “Focus stratégique” and “Proliferation Papers” – and making recommendations to all the actors involved in public security. Accordingly, various reports and projects are realized on behalf of the Ministries of Defense, the Interior and Foreign Affairs.


Research Fellow, Director of Ifri's Security Studies Center


Military Fellow, Security Studies Center

Héloïse FAYET

Research Fellow, Security Studies Center

Amélie FEREY

Research Fellow, Head of the Defense Research Unit - LRD, Security Studies Center


Research Fellow, Security Studies Center

Amélie ZIMA

Research Fellow, Head of European and Transatlantic Security Program, Security Studies Center


Deputy Director of Ifri, Editor-in-Chief of Politique étrangère, and research fellow at the Security Studies Center


Military fellow within the Defense Research Unit of IfriI’s Center for Security Studies.

Guillaume GARNIER

Associate Research Fellow, Security Studies Center

Jean-Louis LOZIER

Advisor, Security Studies Center

Jean-Christophe NOËL

Associate Research Fellow, Security Studies Center


Often described as an “ungoverned area”, the Niger-Libya border is nevertheless at the centre of major economic, political and security challenges. Both the Libyan authorities and the Nigerien state are struggling to establish tight control over this particularly isolated area. 


The instruments of cooperative security created during and since the Cold War to foster mutual confidence and reduce the risks of war, inadvertent escalation, and arms races, in and around Europe, have come under increasing strain.


How do we get out of wars? One hundred years after 1918, Politique étrangère’s special report takes up this question from different perspectives in relation to the conflicts in which Western armies, willingly or otherwise, are embroiled.

By: Gustavo Eduardo ORDÓÑEZ MARTÍNEZ

In the context of a persistent impunity enjoyed by organized crime and drug trafficking groups, many countries in Latin America, and especially Mexico and Colombia, have opted to assign military personnel to internal security tasks.


When the German president, foreign minister, and defense minister gave speeches at the 2014 Munich Security conference—speeches now recognized as watershed moments in Germany security policy—hope began to blossom in France. Would German defense and security policy finally become “normal?” Many...

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