Débats Séminaires et tables rondes
de 18:00 à 11:45
de Dimanche 10 Décembre 2017 18:00 à Mardi 12 Décembre 2017 11:45
Cet évènement est restreint.

L'Union européenne et le Partenariat oriental - Rapprochements en cours vers une coopération régionale Forum de réflexion sur le Partenariat oriental, dans le cadre de la présidence biélorusse de l'Union européenne

The Eastern Partnership Reflection Forum 2017 (EaP-RF) is an initiative inspired by the on-going “EU-Western Balkans Reflection Forum Initiative” (WB-RF). The latter was launched in 2015 in support of the so-called “Berlin Process”, an intergovernmental initiative aimed at promoting reforms and regional cooperation in the Western Balkans. The WB-RF, now backed by the CEI, emerged as the expert component within the Berlin Process.

It convenes a community of experts in order to encourage a wider strategic reflection on EU relations with Western Balkan states and build bridges with national and international administrations. The value-added of the WB-RF is its capacity to facilitate a pan-European dialogue on the EU’s strategy towards the Western Balkans by mobilising a pool of EU and non-EU experts; capacity to disseminate discussions throughout Europe (EU and non-EU) through outreach and in-reach public seminars; and willingness to create long-stranding synergies by fostering cooperation amongst experts and with foreign policy actors.

10 December 2017     18h00-19h00: Welcoming cocktail offered by Austro-French Centre for Rapprochement in Europe
                                     19h00-20h30: Evening talk – Security dialogue & regional cooperation in and with the Eastern Partnership region
 11 December 2017     8h45-18h00:  Main event    

                                      18h40-21h30: Closing Reception given by the Embassy of France in Minsk (upon invitation)
12 December 2017      8h35-11h45:  Optional guided tour of the MTZ tractor factory &    surrounding area (upon registration)  


Organised and coordinated by
Austro-French Centre for Rapprochement in Europe (CFA),

Vienna Minsk Dialogue Track II Initiative (MD), Minsk

Centre international de formation européenne (CIFE), Nice/Berlin
French Institute for International Relations (Ifri), Paris/Brussels

German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), Berlin

Estonian Center of Eastern Partnership (ECEAP), Tallinn

Austrian Institute for International Politics (Oiip), Vienna Istituto affari internazionali (IAI), Rome 

Slovak Foreign Policy Association (SFPA), Bratislava

European Institute for Peace (EIP), Brussels




Hotel Crowne Plaza, Minsk Belarus
Contact avec les organisateurs: 

Pour plus d'informations sur le débat, veuillez contacter :

Magda Stumvoll magda.stumvoll@oefz.at

Partenariat oriental de l'Union européenne Central and Eastern Europe