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European issues are transversely covered by most of Ifri's centers and programs.

Some programs pay particular attention to these themes: the Study Committee for French-German relations (CERFA), the French-Austrian Center for European Convergence (CFA).

All European themes institutional, economic, citizenship, security are subject to specific studies and debates.

Dominique DAVID

Advisor to the Executive Chairman, editor-in-chief of Politique étrangère and co-director of RAMSES

Claude-France ARNOULD

Special Advisor to the President for European Affairs 

Éric-André MARTIN

Secretary General of the Study Committee on Franco-German Relations (Cerfa)


Research Fellow, Study Committee on Franco-German Relations (Cerfa) 


Associate Research Fellow at the Austro-French Centre for Rapprochement in Europe (ÖFZ)


The German government has long hesitated to take a position on the crisis between Russia and Ukraine. It has refused to question the planned commissioning of Nord Stream 2 and to supply Ukraine with weapons.

By: Konstantinas ANDRIJAUSKAS

The year 2021 marked the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Lithuania. Instead of commemorative events and customary lofty rhetoric, the bilateral relationship rapidly plunged to a level rarely seen in either country’s foreign policies...


The bilateral defense agreement signed by France and Greece in September 2021 confirms the strategic turn of the relationship between the two countries. It was already unveiled in 2020 when Paris supported Athens to counter Turkish maritime operations that France and Greece considered very...

By: Alain DE NEVE

The unprecedented growth of space activities, the multiplication as well as diversification of players involved in the exploitation of outer space, and even, more generally, the dependence of all sectors of activity on space infrastructures are some of the main phenomena that have led to a...


Despite their difference in size, Korea and the EU have developed over time a strong and deep relation through direct investment flows. Germany dominates the relationship, but there remains ample room for the other EU member-states to further develop their relations with Korea.

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