The grand coalition’s record on European policy is mixed. On budgetary issues, the CDU-CSU and SPD were able to implement the agreements in the coalition agreement, but on fundamental reforms of the European Union, only small steps were taken.
European issues are transversely covered by most of Ifri's centers and programs.
Some programs pay particular attention to these themes: the Study Committee for French-German relations (CERFA), the French-Austrian Center for European Convergence (CFA).
All European themes — institutional, economic, citizenship, security — are subject to specific studies and debates.
Advisor to the Executive Chairman, editor-in-chief of Politique étrangère and co-director of RAMSES
...Special Advisor to the President for European Affairs
...Former Secretary General of the Study Committee on Franco-German Relations (Cerfa)
...Research Fellow, Study Committee on Franco-German Relations (Cerfa)
...Associate Research Fellow at the Austro-French Centre for Rapprochement in Europe (ÖFZ)
...This seems like a fitting moment to strengthen European cooperation on defense.
The treaty signed by France and Germany in Aachen on January 22, 2019 highlights the role of civil society in bilateral cooperation and aims to contribute to "bringing societies [and citizens in both countries] closer together".
Although it has largely gone unnoticed in France, the agreement signed on December 3, 2020 between the European Union (EU) and the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (ACP) is a major shift in the long-standing relations between the EU and countries in the Global South. ...
The 2015 “crisis” accelerated and/or intensified the involvement of foundations (in particular those from the private sector) in the field of migration. The crisis not only created a sense of urgency, but also generated a movement of public empathy that foundations were willing to accompany...
The Indo-Pacific region is increasingly becoming the center of gravity of economy and geopolitics. It covers 60% of the world’s population, triggers 30% of international trade and drains 60% of global gross domestic product (GDP). Moreover, the world’s biggest ports and airports and...
Since coming into office in 2017, Emmanuel Macron has been the loudest advocate for the development of European ‘strategic autonomy’, which aims at reinforcing the European Union’s geo-strategic independence. Asserting the EU’s role on the international stage, starting with its immediate...
Computing power plays a key role in enabling machine learning, for scientific research, and in the military domain. Therefore, the race for computing power has become a key element of the US-China technological competition, and it is also a strategic priority for Europe.
For anyone who still harbored doubts, Washington made crystal clear from the announcement of the new trilateral alliance with Australia and the UK (AUKUS) that countering China is its number one priority, and that it will do whatever it takes to succeed. Much has been said about the...
At the heart of the European project, the Franco-German tandem provides impetus for further integration within the EU. However, Brussels is yet to decide which direction it wants to take, and the French and Germans still have to agree on their position with regards to economics,...
Local Democracy in Europe: Resisting Populism and Xenophobia International Conference
Local democracy is at the forefront of the challenges facing the EU today. In a context of growing socio-economic difficulties and attacks against the values of citizenship, what can local representatives do in order to support the participation and inclusion of all the citizens? ...
China's New Silk Roads and China-Europe Relations Seminar
As China elaborates on the design of its "Belt and Road Initiative" (OBOR), the place of Europe within this project is slowly but surely taking shape.
Estonia and European Security after the Warsaw Summit
Closed-door Seminar with Her Excellency Kersti KALJULAID, President of the Republic of Estonia.
European Security after Brexit
The French Institute for International Relations and the Elcano Royal Institute are pleased to invite you to the launch event of their new partnership in Brussels.
Post-European Russia: A New Stage of Transformation?
The Ukrainian crisis buried 25 years of attempts by Russia to become part of an "extended West" or "Wider Europe". Despite obvious differences between Russian presidents since Boris Yeltsin, the conceptual course in favour of "integration" with Europe remained unchallenged, although...
Global Ambitions and Regional Threats: How the French See their Role in the World?
How the French see their place in the world? A new survey carried out by the Pew Research Center analyzes the perception of European countries regarding global threats and their role in world affairs. This conference will give the opportunity to examine the relation that French have with their...
Turkey-Europe : real recovery or fake bargaining ?
Being both the country of refuge and of transit, Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s Turkey plays a key-role in the Syrian refugee crisis. The agreement between Brussels and Ankara to manage the flow of migrants, signed with German approval, caused much debate. It also pushed the question of Turkey’s...
Mapping Europe-China Relations: A Bottom-up Approach
This seminar will present the findings of the first report produced by the European Think-tank Network on China (ETNC), a network of China experts from EU member states launched at the initiative...
The Western Balkans in the European Union: New Perspectives on Integration? Refection Forum in the Run-up to the Conference of Paris on the Western Balkans, Paris
In August 2014, in the wake of the centenary of First World War, the Federal Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel initiated an intergovernmental process with the countries of the Western Balkans. Its aim has been to improve their cooperation, put "fundamentals first" and...
The EU and member states: sharing the same political orbit?
French President Emmanuel Macron is accelerating EU defense cooperation. The biggest obstacle are the French-German cultural differences. Can terrorism, Trump and Putin force closer military cooperation in Europe? Yes, says Barbara Kunz, research fellow at the French Institute for...
Russia is trying to “sow chaos” in Europe by betting big on Marine Le Pen and France's far right.
With just a few weeks left until French voters head to the polls, far-right presidential candidate Marine Le Pen made her way to Moscow for a surprise meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Four top European leaders hold talks Monday on the future of the European Union, at a time when it faces multiple crises that are sparking doubts about its very existence. Hosted by French President Francois Hollande at the iconic Versailles palace outside Paris, the dinner meeting that brings...
"Congratulations, Congratulations, Congratulations : Europe's nationalists welcome the "slap" for Merkel.
Vivien Pertusot was interviewed after the vote in United Kingdom in June on what the consequences of Brexit are for the future of the European Union.
Vivien Pertusot, of the international relations think tank Ifri, said the Franco-British political relationship had never been defined by the European Union but is based on bilateral interests.
In a few days’ time, the populist conservative Boris Johnson may well be on his way to becoming British prime minister. And the radical left Podemos movement could be close to the reins of power in Spain. There is the question of what role the current EU institutions ...
Mapping Europe-China Relations: A bottom-up approach -- a recent report of the European Think-tank Network on China (
In Europe, "Hollande is considered as domestically weak, he's not considered as a leader who can revolutionise France," Vivien Pertusot, the head of the French think-tank Ifri's Brussels office, told EUobserver.