

Deputy Director of Ifri, Editor-in-Chief of Politique étrangère, and research fellow at the Security Studies Center

Research Interests:

  • Terrorism
  • Internet and radicalization
  • Communication and conflict
  • Repercussions of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in France


Marc Hecker is Deputy Director of Ifri, Editor-in-Chief of Politique étrangère, and a research fellow at the Security Studies Center. He holds a PhD in political science from University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. He graduated from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques of Strasbourg and holds a Masters (DEA) in International Relations from University Paris 1 Panthéon - Sorbonne. He taught a course on "terrorism and asymmetric warfare" at Sciences Po for several years. He also spent one academic year at Trinity College, Dublin.

Marc Hecker has published several books: La presse française et la première guerre du Golfe (L'Harmattan, 2003), La défense des intérêts de l'Etat d'Israël en France (L'Harmattan, 2005), War 2.0: Irregular Warfare in the Information Age (Praeger, 2009 with Thomas Rid), Intifada française? (Ellipses, 2012) and La Guerre de vingt ans. Djihadisme et contre-terrorisme au XXIe siècle (Robert Laffont, 2021 with Elie Tenenbaum). His articles are published in major journals (Policy ReviewInternationale PolitikCommentaireEtudes, etc.) and newspapers (Le MondeLe FigaroLes EchosLibération, etc.).

All my publications

How are women jihadists prosecuted and sentenced in different European countries? What happens when they are incarcerated? What reintegration programs are in place for women formerly detained for terrorism-related offenses?


France has traditionally taken a security-based approach to the fight against terror. It was a latecomer to the field of radicalization prevention and the establishment of disengagement programs aimed at jihadists. It only started to think seriously about the issue in 2013 and its first...

By: Thomas GOMART, Marc HECKER, (eds.)

How can we define Emmanuel Macron’s foreign policy since he took office? After Nicolas Sarkozy’s brazen style of “gutsy diplomacy” and François Hollande’s “normal diplomacy”, the eighth president of the Fifth Republic seems to have opted for an agile classicism. In substance, he makes no claim...


In the week following Trump’s election, Ifri published a study to identify the likely changes in U.S. foreign policy. From the outset, this election appeared as a change in the U.S.’ trajectory, with consequences on the power relations and functioning of the international system.


France’s current presidential campaign has created an unprecedented situation fuelled by revelations and a total absence of restraint, but it has not truly taken account of the disruptions of the last year: Brexit, the attempted coup in Turkey, the election of Donald Trump, the recapturing of...

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