Débats Séminaires et tables rondes
Hors les murs
de 13:30 à 18:30
This event is for members

After the G8, Industry facing the Climate Challenge

Séminaire organisé à Bruxelles avec Didier Beutier, Vice President for Economic and Prospective Studies, Areva ; Alice de Brauer, VP Strategic Environmental Planning, Renault ; Koen Coppenholler, Head of European Government Relations, Arcelor Mittal ; Marc Duhem, Regional Manager for Europe, Solvay ; Mattias Dürr, Head of Office, RWE AG Liaison Office Brussels ; Jan Horst Keppler, Professor of Economics at University of Paris-Dauphine and Senior Research associate with Ifri Energy Program ; Krish Krishnamurthy, Linde AG ; Jacques Lesourne, Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the Ifri Energy Program ; Assaad Saab, Vice President International Affairs, EdF ; Arve Thorvik, Vice President StatoilHydro EU Affairs ; William Ramsay, Deputy Director, International Energy Agency ; Yves Smeers, Tractebel, Professor of Ecomics at the Catholic University of Louvain, Wolfgang Weber, Head of Energy and Climate Policy, BASF.

Programme (pdf)

Présentations de Mukund Bhagwat (pdf- 399k), Philippe Eydaleine (pdf- 521k) et Geert Meynckens (pdf- 378k)

Lire le compte-rendu


Hôtel Renaissance, Bruxelles